Full Council Meetings

Woodbury Parish Council usually meets on the second Monday of each month (excluding August), 19:30hrs at The Church Rooms, Greenway, Woodbury, Exeter EX5 1NA; although one Full Council meeting will be held in Exton and Woodbury Salterton in each year.  Please check our meeting schedule for confirmed dates and venues.
Residents and Press are welcome to attend.  At the beginning of the meeting residents can raise anything on items on the agenda and at the end there is an opportunity whereby residents can raise any ideas or concerns that they might have, but a response might have to be given once the matter is investigated or it is put on a future agenda for Councillors consideration.
The agenda determines the business to be transacted. (Please note that the payment sheet attached to the agenda could be revised for the actual meeting, a new list will be available at the meeting and the authorised payments and reconciliations’ can be found under finance, also in our minutes).

We also hold our  Annual Meeting of the Council in May of each year and our Annual Parish Meeting which is held between 1st March and 1st June each year.

As a Parish Council we are Statute and controlled by Acts of Parliament to carry out functions for which we have powers to act.  We have duties and responsibilities and along with the acts and functions these confirm our internal organisational, administrative and procurement procedures and procedural matters for meetings and the running of the Council.

(Planning – applications to be considered can be found under supporting documents also the outcome of previously considered applications can be found under update in the month they were approved).

Meeting Documents

You are browsing Agendas and Minutes for the year 2024

Select time period to view meetings from:
Meeting DateMeeting TitleAgendaMinutesSupporting Documents
Mon 11th Nov, 2024Full Council MeetingNA
Mon 14th Oct, 2024Full Council Meeting Agenda Minutes DraftView All
Mon 9th Sep, 2024Full Council Meeting Agenda MinutesView All
Mon 8th Jul, 2024Full Council Meeting Agenda MinutesView All
Mon 3rd Jun, 2024Full Council Meeting Agenda MinutesView All
Mon 13th May, 2024Annual Meeting of the Council Agenda MinutesView All
Mon 8th Apr, 2024Full Council Meeting Agenda
 Agenda Addendum
 MinutesView All
Mon 11th Mar, 2024Full Planning Meeting Agenda MinutesView All
Mon 12th Feb, 2024Full Council Meeting Agenda MinutesView All
Mon 8th Jan, 2024Full Council Meeting Agenda MinutesView All

Committee Membership

  • Cllr Cheryl McGauley
  • Cllr Richard Ball
  • Cllr John Pyne
  • Cllr Richard Parr
  • Cllr Alan Wills
  • Cllr Sam Knighton
  • Cllr Ken Perry
  • Cllr Hayley Morrell
  • Cllr Sally Cole
  • Cllr Steve Parks
  • Cllr Chris Hoar