East Devon District Council is preparing a new Local Plan that is expected to ultimately replace the existing Local Plan, that covered the period 2013 to 2031, as well as replacing the Villages Plan.  The draft plan can be found by clicking the below link


Woodbury Parish Council has so far had three resident consultation events whereby residents could view and list their preferred development sites from the land that had been submitted (so far), also looking at locations for a larger development.  We asked residents to answer our questionnaire which included topics about village identities, facilities, infrastructure, biodiversity, importance of green wedges, wildlife corridors and linking footpaths, cycleways and bridleways.  General update of the results Residents Consultation Update July 2022

From this data gathered the Parish Council worked on a Green Wedge and Landscape Proposal which was then discussed with a small group of residents representing each ward before being considered by Full Council.   This document was agreed at Full Council on Monday 11th July 2022 and submitted to East Devon District Council and Ward Councillors.

Green Wedge and Landscape Proposal

Consultation Response Letter to EDDC